Saturday, October 10, 2009

Broccoli Man

Not really a scrapbooking post this time, just a funny story I wanted to share.

My daughter's boyfriend Aaron is a graffiti artist, so you have to be very careful what you leave lying around our house, otherwise it will get tagged! I have had some funny pictures on scrap paper, dirty windows and steamy mirrors - but this has to be the funniest.
I took a break from scrapping the other night to check that Tina (my daughter) and Aaron had done the dishes after dinner. I found a beautiful clean kitchen and a strange little figure sitting on my bench top!

It's the little things in life that really make me laugh out loud.


  1. That made me laugh out loud too!! What a nice surprise!

  2. It's amazing what can be seen by a creative mind! Excellent work!

  3. i {heart} Brocolli Man!!!!
    must be good to have that fun,creative energy around xx

  4. What a great Broccoli man!!! Awesome stuff ;)

  5. I love Broccoli Man :) What a wonderful way to keep life interesting!!

  6. Love that broccoli man!!!

  7. Love it Bec!!!!!!!! My son was like that when he was still home, (he's grown up now).... it's great to have moments/things to make you smile each day... it made me smile!!
