Saturday, October 17, 2009

Busy Scrapping Week

It's been a busy week scrapping wise. I lost my job a couple of weeks ago, and job hunting has been slow moving and tedious with very little results. But the plus side is, I have more time for scrapping atm. I have been busy completing entries for the ArtyPants - Scrap Your Pants Off & Scrapz Biz - Scrappers of Oz challenges. When I look at the
galleries I am feeling a little out of
my element - there are some amazing layouts there.

Getting back to my Christmas cards, I have made
this great little box to hold them in.

Have a great week everyone.

love Bec


  1. I know what you mean about all the amazing layouts out there, but try not to compare yourself with others..just use it as inspiration for doing your own thing. Love that xmas clever. ;)

  2. Great box Bec. Should do that instead of the disaster in front of me.

  3. Hey Bec great idea for the box
    and gorge broc man!
