Friday, November 13, 2009

My First Painting!

I am so excited and so proud of myself. Today I finished my first painting. I used a photo of my parent's place in Walpole and painted the image onto a 12x12" canvas. I am really pleased with the way it turned out.

Well I am off to join in the Artyy Pants CyberCrop now. It will be my first CC with Arty Pants so I have been looking forward to it.
Have a Great Weekend!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My First Arty Pants Cyber Crop

I've been so busy the last few weeks participating in scrapbooking challenges for a few online scrapbooking forums and sites. They are all fantastic, but I am starting to wonder if I have over committed myself as I am finding it hard to keep up with all of them.

It has been a great experience though and the sites are all different and great in their own way, but like anything in life I suppose, there are definitely two that I feel more comfortable with and that I fit into better.

One of these two is ARTY PANTS. The ladies there are all so friendly and there is always something new happening and the challenges are awesome.

This Friday will be the first Cybercrop they have had since I joined, so I can't wait.
Well, back to scrapping for me, I am making mini curtains for a layout...first time I have used my machine in a while too, so it should be fun.

Have a Great Day

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bons Scraps

I had a great time on Wednesday night chatting to all the ladies from Bons Scraps and joining in the fun and games. Lots of great challenges have to get my thinking cap on.

Bon is celebrating her 100th blog post with a great give away everyone should check it out at

It has also been great fun checking out everyone's blogs and seeing all the amazing scrapbooking layouts and photos.

Happy Scrapping!


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Busy Scrapping Week

It's been a busy week scrapping wise. I lost my job a couple of weeks ago, and job hunting has been slow moving and tedious with very little results. But the plus side is, I have more time for scrapping atm. I have been busy completing entries for the ArtyPants - Scrap Your Pants Off & Scrapz Biz - Scrappers of Oz challenges. When I look at the
galleries I am feeling a little out of
my element - there are some amazing layouts there.

Getting back to my Christmas cards, I have made
this great little box to hold them in.

Have a great week everyone.

love Bec

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Broccoli Man

Not really a scrapbooking post this time, just a funny story I wanted to share.

My daughter's boyfriend Aaron is a graffiti artist, so you have to be very careful what you leave lying around our house, otherwise it will get tagged! I have had some funny pictures on scrap paper, dirty windows and steamy mirrors - but this has to be the funniest.
I took a break from scrapping the other night to check that Tina (my daughter) and Aaron had done the dishes after dinner. I found a beautiful clean kitchen and a strange little figure sitting on my bench top!

It's the little things in life that really make me laugh out loud.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Welcome to My Scrap Space

Hi and thanks for visiting My Scrap Space. This is my first blog, so I am still learning all the bits and pieces of posting, adding pictures etc.

I am looking forward to being a part of the online Scrapbooking Community, sharing my layouts and projects and love of scrapbooking with fellow scrap addicts and hopefully making some new friends along the way.

I don't really have any 'major' projects I am working on at the moment, but I have been experimenting with Flowersoft for Christmas Cards. I tend to stay away from traditional christmas themes, but I like the red / green colour combination, so I got this great "Gumnut Brush" stamp from Stamp It and have been playing with ideas for Australiana Christmas Cards.

I'd love to know what you think of my ideas & projects, so please leave comments or suggestions anytime.

Take Care and Happy Scrapping !